Baboon Outdoors
An outdoor brand that focuses on enhancing your outdoor experience via products, services, and stewardships.
Hi! I’m Adan Morales. I’m a first-generation to a family of Nicaraguenses. My parents and brother became refugees after escaping war in our native country. Unfortunately, my family experienced abuse after my dad was released from jail. During this time, I was trying to figure out my sexuality and gender-identity in secret. We moved to San Bernardino where things got interesting. Growing up in the hood taught me that violence was the only way to survive and that drugs & alcohol is the best way to cope with stress (please don’t do this). Thankfully, my cousins introduced me to the outdoors where my life got better.The outdoors allowed me to find peace. And working on my mental disorders also helps with that. I know the benefits of being active outside and I want to share my lessons when appropriate. Even when the outdoors is beyond my wallet thickness and I can't afford to enjoy it as much, it's still wonderful. I do get preachy sometimes. If I go on a rant, just tell me to shut up, haha. Overall, I’m chill and I like to meet new people :)
Baboon Outdoors invest in diversifying the outdoors, including diversifying climbing. We strive for true inclusivity, that includes helping white cis-males who are poor and/or live 50 miles from the closest climbing gyms. We don’t want to minimize anyone’s struggle.
We created climbing scholarships for the historic disenfranchised, for the para/adaptive climbers, and for the youth. Developing and protecting climbing areas near underrepresented communities. Giving discounts to underrepresentative affinity groups. And we help other minority-owned small businesses to grow. These are the things that are standard in any industry.
I also want to push to solve harder issues: tackling the housing crises for minorities, talking about the environmental racism that's happening to the poor communities, and understanding the historical-cultural context of how we are here today.
We’ll continue to develop climbing areas near underrepresentative communities. From there, I would like to work with the cities and counties to designate climbing as an official activity and promote it to their cities.
WRAP certified, SFI certified, CE mark
We work with other non-profit organizations, cities and National Forests to help clean up trash, protect endangered species and remove graffiti off our crags. We help restore and maintain trails when we can. And we educate local outdoor enthusiasts about the importance of Leave No Trace.
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